Jon F.
Manchester, CT
A Weekend Warrior's Choice

Where do I begin?! I have owned a Velotric Nomad 1 for over a year now, and it is my favorite purchase of all-time. Prior to owning an e-bike, I owned an e-scooter but that didn’t give me any exercise. I wanted something that would get me outdoors, give me a bit of exercise, and a bit of boost when I ran out of energy. The Velotric Nomad 1 checked all of those boxes.
I’m what you’d call a 'weekend warrior' with my Nomad. I don’t use it to commute--it is strictly for exercise and pleasure. And man is it fun! I typically ride it on paved greenway trails, but those often turn into gravel or dirt roads, and this is why I chose the Nomad over the Discover. Those fat tires eat up any terrain I throw at it. I’ve ridden in rain, snow, sand, rocks, grass, even small streams!
I’d say my most memorable ride was going 30+ miles in one day on the greenways through Connecticut. I almost made it to Rhode Island! On this particular journey, I stopped at a bench to hydrate and take a rest and met a gentleman riding a road bike on the same path. He was originally from Alaska but was riding across the entire country from state to state. We chatted awhile about my Nomad and he even took it for a ride! Just riding this bike around town gets so many people talking to me about what it is, where I got it, and how they can get one too.
My life has absolutely changed in a positive way since owning an e-bike. True story, I crashed my e-scooter and ended up in the hospital. A car had cut me off, sent me flying, and I landed directly on my face. Though I was wearing a helmet, I did end up splitting my lip in two and requiring many stitches. If I had been riding an e-bike like my Nomad, I would have been able to stop in time and never have that accident.
Lastly, I’ve learned a number of things since owning my own e-bike:
1. Exercise is much easier when you’ve got a motor to help you up the inclines
2. Having a well-built and affordable e-bike is possible with Velotric
3. I freaking love having a way to get out on the trails, clear my head from my work week, and have a blast cruising along any terrain I choose
1. Exercise is much easier when you’ve got a motor to help you up the inclines
2. Having a well-built and affordable e-bike is possible with Velotric
3. I freaking love having a way to get out on the trails, clear my head from my work week, and have a blast cruising along any terrain I choose
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